If you are serving in the Royal Navy, or have left the Service within the last 12 months, you may be able to use our simplified SAP route to Professional Registration, otherwise the Standard route is also available. The SAP is available for: Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Royal Navy Marine Engineers Royal Marines personnel. See what our members say about professional registration.
Professional registration for Armed Forces personnel is more valued than ever. You can easily claim your fees back.
Read the latest Defence Update
Personnel who complete the CCSAM can use the SAP - see the career trigger points
No application fee - No interview.
Flowchart for EngTech
Find your Endorser
Not sure you qualify? – contact the Defence Liaison Officer dlo@imeche.org or 07590 735816
Not yet ready for EngTech? – apply for free Apprentice membership
Senior Ratings, Warrant Officers and Engineering Officers can use the SAP.
You must have FdEng or BEng Hons or the equivalent and meet the career trigger points
Flowchart for IEng
Contact the Defence Liaison Officer with any questions dlo@imeche.org or 07590 735816
Interview guidance for military applicants
Engineering Officers who meet the career trigger points can use the SAP.
Flowchart for CEng
First check you meet the academic requirements of Master’s level learning through qualifications or experience – contact the Defence Liaison Officer dlo@imeche.org or 07590 735816
CEng, IEng or EngTech registered with the Engineering Council through one of their approved institutions, you can apply through our Armed Forces Existing Registrant process. Download the Armed Forces Existing Registrant Application form.
Already professionally registered with IMechE? Rank of Commander or above? Apply for Fellow on this simple form Member to Fellow upgrade application form. Below the rank of Commander but believe you meet the criteria? – apply via the traditional route
Lara Mallett dlo@imeche.org - Defence Liaison Officer +44 (0)78 4363 4248
Endorser (IEng and CEng) Lt Cdr Hazelle Garton hazelle.garton240@mod.gov.uk
Endorser (EngTech) Lt Richard Wilmot, ETO at HMS Heron, Yeovilton Endroser (EngTech ) Lt Laura Benfield, ETO at RNAS Culdrose
ETO at RAF Marham: Lt Craig Birkby craig.birkby418@mod.gov.uk
Find a volunteer Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) on site.
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers has signed the Armed Forces Covenant, the next step in our work supporting Armed Forces engineers and technicians, veterans, and reservists.
Find out more
Check the Royal Navy Marine Engineers Career Break Points to help you decide which level of professional registration is right for you. Download the Royal Navy Marine Engineers SAP Application form apply for EngTech, IEng or CEng. Applicants should be sponsored by a currently registered engineer with the Engineering Council at the same level, or above, the registration category you are applying for. Your sponsor can be registered with any Engineering Council listed engineering institution; they don’t have to be a member of the IMechE. If you are applying for Fellowship your sponsor will also need to be a Fellow of professional engineering institution. Your sponsor cannot be a direct family member.
Personnel with NVQ3 or on completion of their apprenticeship can use the SAP - see the career trigger points
You must have HND, FdEng, BEng Hons or the equivalent and meet the career trigger points
Endorser Lt Ian Randall ian.randall909@mod.gov.uk - Future Training Officer 2, HMS Sultan
Check the Royal Marines Career Break Points to help you decide which level of professional registration is right for you. Download the Royal Marines SAP application form to apply for EngTech or IEng. Applicants should be sponsored by a currently registered engineer with the Engineering Council at the same level, or above, the registration category you are applying for. Your sponsor can be registered with any Engineering Council listed engineering institution; they don’t have to be a member of the IMechE. If you are applying for Fellowship your sponsor will also need to be a Fellow of professional engineering institution. Your sponsor cannot be a direct family member.
Colour Sergeant Artificers and Warrant Officers can use the SAP.
Endorser WO1 (ASM) Charles Davies RM charles.davies824@mod.gov.uk
WO1 (ASM) Iain Lane RM iain.lane393@mod.gov.uk - Specialisation Advisor
IEng or EngTech registered with the Engineering Council through one of their approved institutions, you can apply through our Armed Forces Existing Registrant process. Download the Armed Forces Existing Registrant Application Form.
I registered with IMechE to enhance my career and to show that I am serious about engineering. I am keen to progress professionally, to continuously develop myself and to be more involved in events. I think joining an institution is something RN engineers should seriously consider doing.
LET Ryan Bruno EngTech MIMechE
Gaining IEng with IMechE means I have enhanced my engineering status and promoted the trust others have in me. Membership has provided me with a wealth of development resources and ensures that I continue to advance my skills and expertise. I have also recognised the importance of capturing and managing CPD.
WO1 (ASM) Charles Davies RM IEng MIMechE
Getting professionally registered allows me to demonstrate my credibility as an engineer and opens up a number of roles and career opportunities. It’s also important that we, as engineers, don’t let our learning stand still but continue our professional development to get better. Easy access to courses and a wealth of information from the IMechE makes this achievable.
Lt Cdr Craig Jordan RN CEng MIMechE
Professional registration not only highlights your academic ability, but also, maybe even more importantly your experience, knowledge and evidence based achievements within your field of expertise. Being professionally registered is a worldwide accreditation and allows you to stand side by side with some of the best engineers in the world.
CPO Adam Finch IEng MIMeche