Our financial webinars are delivered by Better With Money, specialists in this area, and we are working in partnership with the ICE Benevolent Fund to bring you these. Regularly reviewing personal finances can be very beneficial to both financial and mental wellbeing.
Our health and wellbeing webinars are delivered by SuperWellness who are a leading provider of nutrition-centred wellbeing services in the UK. Our parenting webinars are delivered by the Positive Parenting Project, a social enterprise which aims to bring the benefits of proven evidence-based parenting strategies to as many parents (and children) as possible
The webinars are available to members and their family - you can attend as many as you would like to. (A recording of the webinar is sent to all those who register to attend, so that you can still watch the content if you cannot join the live event, or would prefer to watch it later.)
Missed one of our webinars? Catch up here – watch our range of financial wellbeing webinars at a time to suit you.
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Missed one of our webinars? Catch up here – watch our range of health & wellbeing webinars at a time to suit you.
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Wed 10 Jan 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- The best time to ask for a pay rise
- Approaching the conversation in the right way
- Drawing attention to your value as an employee
- Tips for increasing your chances for success
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Wed 17 Jan 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- Check your fitness
- How does movement benefit your brain and mood?
- Can exercise help with stress?
- The importance of muscle building
- Different exercises and their benefits
- Key nutrition principles in sports and exercise
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Thurs 1 Feb 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- Learning to switch out of work-mode
- Prioritising quality moments
- Listening in ways that build connection
- Connecting through playfulness
- Using your attention positively
- Connecting even when you are absent
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Wed 21 Feb 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- What’s the definition of fatigue and burnout?
- How to recognise the signs
- Let’s look at what’s going on physiologically
- What can go wrong? From insulin resistance to hormones and nutrient deficiencies
- Practical steps to manage burnout and fatigue
- Things to avoid which can worsen fatigue and burnout
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Thurs 22 Feb 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- Costs of a child
- Costs of childcare
- Sources of help/new gov schemes
- Maternity and paternity
- Going back to work and whether it’s worth it
- Other sources of financial help for parents (school uniform swap shops, cheaper days out, vouchers, support for people who don’t qualify for state benefits but feeling the pinch)
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Thurs 29 Feb 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- Impacts of technology on childhood and child development
- What does a balanced childhood look like?
- Setting limits (and enforcing them)
- Low tech alternatives and activities
- Helping children manage digital social lives
- Being a digitally healthy family
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Wed 20 Mar 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- Getting your budget plan together
- Which debts to prioritise
- Reducing outgoings
- Maximising income
- Bringing debt together to reduce costs
- Where to go for further help
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Thurs 21 March 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- Tips for successful dialogue
- How to avoid lecturing and nagging
- Finding ways to connect
- Learning to listen (and when to hold your tongue)
- Managing emotional teens
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Wed 27 March 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
In this highly pro-active workshop, participants will get to create their personal action plan, guided by a qualified nutritionist around each of the 4 pillars of MSK health:
- Nutrient intake
- An anti-inflammatory diet
- Posture, movement, physical activity and rest
- Addressing the stress to relieve muscle tension
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Wed 17 April: 12.00 - 1.00
- Understanding the Imposter Phenomenon and its psychological underpinning, including concepts such as perfectionism as social comparison.
- How to recognise the Imposter Phenomenon, using a checklist of internal and external signs to look out for.
- Identifying different types of ‘imposter’: are you an ‘expert’, a ‘superhero’, or a ‘soloist’ perhaps?
- The cost of the Imposter Phenomenon: discussing a range of scenarios and examples in the workplace.
- Using an evidence-based scale to measure its impact.
- Strategies for overcoming the Imposter Phenomenon, including proven cognitive behavioural techniques, self-compassion and tools for managers.
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Weds 24 April 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- Talking to children about emotions and mental health
- Helping children manage anxiety and overwhelming feelings
- Empathetic listening and emotional first aid skills
- Teaching children coping strategies
- Building children’s resilience
- Recognising when to seek further support (& where to go)
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Thurs 25 Apr 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- Why should I consider investing?
- The different types of investments available
- Action Plan to start investing
- Beware of scams!
- Five golden rules of investing
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Thurs 9 May 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- Types of financial adviser
- How to identify any education/accreditation or certificates
- What is relevant and what is a red flag?
- What can they help with and what can’t they help with?
- Limitations and benefits
- How to find a good financial advisor
- Planning and prepping for a first meeting
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Wed 22 May 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- Key areas for children’s health, from bone and muscle growth to brain and nervous system development
- A look at school dinner guidelines and nutrient requirements
- Potential pitfalls to look out for, including the downsides of highly processed foods or high sugar content hiding in ‘healthy’ options
- Keeping kids healthy and happy – tips for winning over young taste buds and how to create a positive experience for even the fussiest eaters
- Healthy meal ideas for snacks, lunches & dinners with some delicious recipes shared following the session.
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Wed 19 June 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- Almost a ‘second part’ to the investments for beginners webinar – though seeing the investments for beginners webinar won’t be a pre-requisite to watching this one
- Diversifying portfolios
- What to do and not do in market turbulence and what this means long term
- How world events affect investment risks
- Advisors and whether they’re worth it
- Types of risk and when they’re worth taking and when they’re not
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Thurs 11 July: 12.30 - 1.00
- Implications for employees/employers
- How state pensions are affected
- Social/medical insurance
- Double taxation systems
- Support systems
- Sources of further information
- NB: This webinar is from the point of view of a non-UK national coming to the UK to work
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Thurs 5 Sept 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- The impact of caring responsibilities on your own money
- The importance of reviewing your budget
- Protecting your retirement savings
- State benefits available for carers
- Useful websites
- Help and support
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Wed 18 Sept 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- Making healthier food choices no matter where you are –at work, on the road or in your own kitchen.
- The key ‘healthy eating’ guidelines to keep in mind
- How to plan quick and tasty lunch box meals at home
- Strategies to help build your confidence, become much better equipped to live a healthy lifestyle on the go and feel much better as a result.
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Wed 25 Sept 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- Focus on finances while a student is currently at university
- Personal finances rather than tuition fee-based
- Tips for students who might be struggling financially at university
- Bursaries and scholarships that might be available and how to find them
- Getting things cheaply – budgeting, things that are available to students for free, NUS extra cards, when it’s cheap to shop, etc
- Student renting and how deposits work and how to ensure you get your deposit back
- Student jobs – Where to find them, types of job, making sure you’re not taxed unfairly (e.g. emergency tac and earning below thresholds)
- Overdrafts and using them properly
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Wed 9 Oct 2024: 12.00 - 1.00
- What is happening in the body post-menopause
- Acknowledging the emotional impact and why grief can be felt during this time.
- 7 key health issues
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
- 6-point action plan explores the role of diet, the importance of exercise, stress reduction, and more, to maximise enjoyment of life and minimise post-menopausal health risks.
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Wed 23 Oct 2024: 12.30 - 1.00
- Affordability & benefits
- Types of loans, cheapest loans, reputable loans
- Buy now, pay later
- Secured vs unsecured debt
- Cutting loan costs including getting minimum charges
- Credit score and how loans affect your financial health
- Pre-Christmas money-management
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