Nominations COMMITTEE


The Nominations Committee (NomCo) is responsible for developing and managing inclusive and transparent processes, to support the recruitment, assessment and nomination of suitably experienced candidates to the Trustee Board, Council and governance boards/committees.

It is responsible for developing a diverse pipeline of candidates and for overseeing succession arrangements.

NomCo’s role is vital in ensuring that our Institution is accessible, diverse, and progressive.

Key objectives and vision

  • To create an inclusive environment for all members of the Institution to get involved. It is important that boards/committees reflect the diversity of the Institution’s membership and that new volunteers are welcomed to these important roles.
  • To develop and maintain suitable processes to support the recruitment and nomination of candidates to governance boards and committees including Trustee Board and Council.
  • To work with other boards/committees to support the implementation of best practice when recruiting new committee members.


Richard Guest

Richard Guest
Vice Chair

Matt Garside
Trustee Board Representative

Ian Brown

Ian Brown
Ordinary Member

Stuart Hamilton

Stuart Hamilton
Ordinary Member

Casual Vacancy

Aziza Mahomed

Aziza Mahomed
Ordinary Member

Michael Swinson

Michael Swinson
Ordinary Member

Dr Alice Bunn

Dr Alice Bunn
Chief Executive

Bims Alalade

Bims Alalade
HR Director

Key committee documents

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